compreheNGSive: A Tool for Exploring Next-Gen Sequencing Variants


In this design study we are collaborating with a group of genetic epidemiology experts who are using NGS data to study breast cancer. To understand our collaborators’ analysis needs we worked with this group for a year, spending four days a week in their lab. From numerous interviews, we developed over ten paper prototypes, five software prototypes, and acquired feedback. Analyzing this feedback revealed necessary visualization tasks and a workflow applicable to their data exploration. Our contributions are an articulation of a workflow and set of visualization tasks needed by our collaborators, and an early prototype of our system: compreheNGSive.


Alex Bigelow, Miriah Meyer, Nicola J Camp
compreheNGSive: A Tool for Exploring Next-Gen Sequencing Variants
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization - Posters (BioVis ’12), 2012.

Note: Poster selected for oral presentation


  title = {compreheNGSive: A Tool for Exploring Next-Gen Sequencing Variants},
  author = {Alex Bigelow and Miriah Meyer and Nicola J Camp},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization - Posters (BioVis ’12)},
  year = {2012}