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trrack-vis Library

This library is intended to be used with trrack, a provenance tracking library, which can be found here. Trrack-vis can be used to visualize the non-linear provenance graph, as well as change nodes within the graph. Trrack-vis is designed to be highly customizable, allowing for the size and position of the graph to be customized, custom icons to be used in the graph, custom ways to visualize annotations, and the grouping of nodes.

Here are multiple examples using trrack and trrack-vis.

For documentation, see http://vdl.sci.utah.edu/trrack-examples/api/trrack-vis


  • Power you application to track user interactions or changes.
  • Enable undo/redo functionality.
  • Track changes in non-linear manner with branches.
  • Simple API
  • Full Typescript support


  • NPM
npm install --save-dev @visdesignlab/trrack-vis
  • Yarn
yarn add @visdesignlab/trrack-vis


Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/visdesignlab/trrack-vis.git

Use npm commands

  • npm t: Run test suite
  • npm start: Run npm run build in watch mode
  • npm run test:watch: Run test suite in interactive watch mode
  • npm run test:prod: Run linting and generate coverage
  • npm run build: Generate bundles and typings, create docs
  • npm run lint: Lints code
  • npm run commit: Commit using conventional commit style (husky will tell you to use it if you haven't :wink:)


Project created using Typescript library starter by alexjoverm

Other provenance related projects

Example application using provenance. Also demonstrates how to import and export the current state of an application.

More Examples using provenance with typescript and d3. All of these examples utilize the trrack-vis library

trrack-vis is a library for visualizing the provenance graph created from this library.

Intent System is a tool for predicting user intent patterns when brushing in scatterplots. The intent system utilizes the provenance library to control all interaction, as well as the ProvVis library to visualize the resulting provenance graph.

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