allowWhether or not to allow the user to remove attribute columns.
This should be enabled only if there is an option within the parent application which allows for attributes to be added after removal.
Default attribute removal behavior in UpSet 2.0 is done via context menu on attribute headers.
Defaults to false
altSidebar options for the alt text sidebar component.
This sidebar is used to display the generated text descriptions for an Upset 2.0 plot, given that the generateAltText
function is provided.
canWhether or not the user has plot information edit permissions.
configOptional configuration for the Upset component.
The data for the Upset component.
elementSidebar options for the element sidebar component. This sidebar is used for element queries, element selection datatable, and supplimental plot generation.
extExternal provenance actions and TrrackJS object for provenance history tracking and actions. This should only be used if your tool is using TrrackJS and has all the actions used by UpSet 2.0. Provenance is still tracked if nothing is provided. Note that initializeProvenanceTracking and getActions are used to ensure that the provided provenance object is compatible.
Adds a bookmark to the state
Adds a plot to the state
plot to add
Removes a bookmark from the state
bookmark to remove
Removes a plot from the state
plot to remove
Sets a global element selection for the plot, which is a filter on items based on their attributes.
The selection to set
Sets whether set intersection size labels should be shown
Whether to show intersection size labels
Sets whether set size labels should be shown
Whether to show set size labels
Sets whether hidden sets should be shown
Whether to show hidden sets
footerHeight of the footer overlayed on the upset plot, in px, if one exists. Used to prevent the bottom of the sidebars from overlapping with the footer.
generateAsync function which should return a generated AltText object.
hideHide the aggregations/filter settings sidebar.
parentIndicates if the parent component has a fixed height.
If this is set to false
, the plot will occupy the full viewport height.
When set to true
, the plot will fit entirely within the parent component.
Defaults to false
provSidebar options for the provVis component.
visualizeList of attribute names (strings) which should be visualized. Defaults to the first 3 if no value is provided. If an empty list is provided, displays no attributes.
visualizeWhether or not to visualize UpSet generated attributes (degree
and deviation
Defaults to false
Represents the props for the Upset component.