
This website is the supplemental material for the paper An interview method for engaging personal data by J. Moore, P. Goffin, J. Wiese, and M. Meyer. The paper will appear in the December 2021 issue of The Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT).

We include descriptions and materials for helping researchers to prepare and perform their own data engagement inteviews. We also incldue links to our own interview materials and example code

This guide can be read alongside our journal submission to give additional information on how we prepared and conducted our data engagement interviews. The following sections outline how we conducted our case study with asthamtic families, and we include links to other supporting documents throughout this guide to help researchers with developing their own data engagement interviews.

Where appropriate, footnotes indicate where the reader can refer back to specific sections of the journal submission for more details on this method.