Arctic Explorer: Visualization of Sea-Ice Concentration along Arctic Shipping Routes


The Arctic seascape plays an important role in North American trade and defense; however, over recent years, the Arctic has undergone radical changes, altering current shipping routes and opening up new previously blocked paths. This work presents Arctic Explorer, a tool to visualize sea-ice concentration along paths over time. Arctic Explorer could be used to circumnavigate areas expected to be blocked with ice and discover new routes that may have opened up.


Dylan Wootton, Ethan Ransom, Alexander Lex
Arctic Explorer: Visualization of Sea-Ice Concentration along Arctic Shipping Routes
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference – Posters (InfoVis), 2019.


  title = {Arctic Explorer: Visualization of Sea-Ice Concentration along Arctic Shipping Routes},
  author = {Dylan Wootton and Ethan Ransom and Alexander Lex},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference – Posters (InfoVis)},
  year = {2019}