Zach Cutler

I’m a first year PhD student at the School of Computing working with Alexander Lex. My current research is focused on making user studies easier to design, run, and analyze. I’ve previously worked mostly on provenance in visualization systems, and helped develop both Trrack and Trrack-Vis

Zach Cutler
Zach Cutler,
PhD Student

SCI Institute,
School of Computing,
University of Utah
72 South Central Campus Drive,
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112



Peer-reviewed Journal and Conference Publications

CrowdaAloud screenshot

Zach Cutler, Lane Harrison, Carolina Nobre, Alexander Lex
Crowdsourced Think-Aloud Studies
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2025

revisit screenshot

Carolina Nobre, Dylan Wootton, Zach Cutler, Lane Harrison, Hanspeter Pfister, Alexander Lex
reVISit: Looking Under the Hood of Interactive Visualization Studies
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021