- getActions(provenance): {
addAttribute: ((attr) => any);
addBookmark: (<T>(b) => any);
addCollapsed: ((id) => any);
addMultipleAttributes: ((attrs) => any);
addPlot: ((plot) => any);
addVisibleSet: ((set) => any);
collapseAll: ((ids) => any);
expandAll: (() => any);
firstAggregateBy: ((aggBy) => any);
firstOverlapBy: ((overlap) => any);
removeAttribute: ((attr) => any);
removeBookmark: ((b) => any);
removeCollapsed: ((id) => any);
removeMultipleVisibleAttributes: ((attrs) => any);
removePlot: ((plot) => any);
removeVisibleSet: ((set) => any);
replaceState: ((state) => any);
secondAggregateBy: ((aggBy) => any);
secondOverlapBy: ((overlap) => any);
setElementSelection: ((selection) => any);
setHideEmpty: ((val) => any);
setHideNoSet: ((val) => any);
setIntersectionSizeLabels: ((show) => any);
setMaxVisible: ((val) => any);
setMinVisible: ((val) => any);
setPlotInformation: ((plotInformation) => any);
setSelected: ((intersection) => any);
setSetSizeLabels: ((show) => any);
setShowHiddenSets: ((show) => any);
setUseUserAltText: ((useUserAlt) => any);
setUserAltText: ((altText) => any);
sortBy: ((sort, sortByOrder) => any);
sortVisibleBy: ((sort) => any);
updateAttributePlotType: ((attr, plotType) => any);
} Returns {
addAttribute: ((attr) => any);
addBookmark: (<T>(b) => any);
addCollapsed: ((id) => any);
addMultipleAttributes: ((attrs) => any);
addPlot: ((plot) => any);
addVisibleSet: ((set) => any);
collapseAll: ((ids) => any);
expandAll: (() => any);
firstAggregateBy: ((aggBy) => any);
firstOverlapBy: ((overlap) => any);
removeAttribute: ((attr) => any);
removeBookmark: ((b) => any);
removeCollapsed: ((id) => any);
removeMultipleVisibleAttributes: ((attrs) => any);
removePlot: ((plot) => any);
removeVisibleSet: ((set) => any);
replaceState: ((state) => any);
secondAggregateBy: ((aggBy) => any);
secondOverlapBy: ((overlap) => any);
setElementSelection: ((selection) => any);
setHideEmpty: ((val) => any);
setHideNoSet: ((val) => any);
setIntersectionSizeLabels: ((show) => any);
setMaxVisible: ((val) => any);
setMinVisible: ((val) => any);
setPlotInformation: ((plotInformation) => any);
setSelected: ((intersection) => any);
setSetSizeLabels: ((show) => any);
setShowHiddenSets: ((show) => any);
setUseUserAltText: ((useUserAlt) => any);
setUserAltText: ((altText) => any);
sortBy: ((sort, sortByOrder) => any);
sortVisibleBy: ((sort) => any);
updateAttributePlotType: ((attr, plotType) => any);
addAttribute: ((attr) => any)
addBookmark: (<T>(b) => any)
addCollapsed: ((id) => any)
addMultipleAttributes: ((attrs) => any)
addPlot: ((plot) => any)
addVisibleSet: ((set) => any)
collapseAll: ((ids) => any)
expandAll: (() => any)
firstAggregateBy: ((aggBy) => any)
- (aggBy): any
- aggBy: "Degree" | "Sets" | "Deviations" | "Overlaps" | "None"
Returns any
firstOverlapBy: ((overlap) => any)
- (overlap): any
Returns any
removeAttribute: ((attr) => any)
removeBookmark: ((b) => any)
removeCollapsed: ((id) => any)
removeMultipleVisibleAttributes: ((attrs) => any)
removePlot: ((plot) => any)
removeVisibleSet: ((set) => any)
replaceState: ((state) => any)
secondAggregateBy: ((aggBy) => any)
- (aggBy): any
- aggBy: "Degree" | "Sets" | "Deviations" | "Overlaps" | "None"
Returns any
secondOverlapBy: ((overlap) => any)
- (overlap): any
Returns any
setElementSelection: ((selection) => any)
- (selection): any
Returns any
setHideEmpty: ((val) => any)
setHideNoSet: ((val) => any)
setIntersectionSizeLabels: ((show) => any)
setMaxVisible: ((val) => any)
setMinVisible: ((val) => any)
setPlotInformation: ((plotInformation) => any)
- (plotInformation): any
Returns any
setSelected: ((intersection) => any)
- (intersection): any
Returns any
setSetSizeLabels: ((show) => any)
setShowHiddenSets: ((show) => any)
setUseUserAltText: ((useUserAlt) => any)
- (useUserAlt): any
Returns any
setUserAltText: ((altText) => any)
- (altText): any
Returns any
sortBy: ((sort, sortByOrder) => any)
- (sort, sortByOrder): any
Returns any
sortVisibleBy: ((sort) => any)
- (sort): any
- sort: "Alphabetical" | "Ascending" | "Descending"
Returns any
updateAttributePlotType: ((attr, plotType) => any)
- (attr, plotType): any
- attr: string
- plotType: string
Returns any
Adds a bookmark to the state