Members of VDL will be at IEEE VIS in Chicago. We will be presenting multiple papers and also host a party together with other SCI members! Make sure to say hi, come to our talks and to the Party.
Our papers are:
- Towards Ecological Validity in Evaluating Uncertainty, Monday, 3:20-3:40pm, Visualization for Decision Making Under Uncertainty Workshop, Room: Empire
- Unlocking User-Centered Design Methods for Building Cyber Security Visualizations, Monday, 4:15-5:05pm Session (~4:30pm), VizSec, Room: State
- Visually Comparing Weather Features in Forecasts, Wednesday, 8:30-10:10 Session (~9:10), InfoVis, Room: Grand
- Vials: Visualizing Alternative Splicing of Genes, Wednesday, 8:30-10:10 Session (~9:30), InfoVis, Room: Grand