
Peer-Reviewed Journal and Conference Papers

Accessible Text Descriptions screenshot

Andrew McNutt, Maggie K McCracken, Ishrat Jahan Eliza, Daniel Hajas, Jake Wagoner, Nate Lanza, Jack Wilburn, Sarah Creem-Regehr, Alexander Lex
Accessible Text Descriptions for UpSet Plots
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2025

CrowdaAloud screenshot

Zach Cutler, Lane Harrison, Carolina Nobre, Alexander Lex
Crowdsourced Think-Aloud Studies
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2025

Aardvark screenshot

Devin Lange, Robert Judson-Torres, Thomas A. Zangle, Alexander Lex
Aardvark: Composite Visualizations of Trees, Time-Series, and Images
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS), 2024
 IEEE VIS 2024 Best Paper Award

reVISit screenshot

Yiren Ding, Jack Wilburn, Hilson Shrestha, Akim Ndlovu, Kiran Gadhave, Carolina Nobre, Alexander Lex, Lane Harrison
reVISit: Supporting Scalable Evaluation of Interactive Visualizations
IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 2023

Ferret screenshot

Devin Lange, Shaurya Sahai, Jeff M. Phillips, Alexander Lex
Ferret: Reviewing Tabular Datasets for Manipulation
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2023

Troubling screenshot

Derya Akbaba, Devin Lange, Michael Correll, Alexander Lex, Miriah Meyer
Troubling Collaboration: Matters of Care for Visualization Design Study
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023

Misleading screenshot

Maxim Lisnic, Cole Polychronis, Alexander Lex, Marina Kogan
Misleading Beyond Visual Tricks: How People Actually Lie with Charts
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2023

data-hunches screenshot

Haihan Lin, Derya Akbaba, Miriah Meyer, Alexander Lex
Data Hunches: Incorporating Personal Knowledge into Visualizations
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS), 2022

Loon screenshot

Devin Lange, Eddie Polanco, Robert Judson-Torres, Thomas A. Zangle, Alexander Lex
Loon: Using Exemplars to Visualize Large-Scale Microscopy Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS), 2021
 IEEE VIS 2021 Honorable Mention Award

interview screenshot

Jimmy Moore, Pascal Goffin, Jason Wiese, Miriah Meyer
An interview method for engaging personal data
The Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), 2021

gap screenshot

Jimmy Moore, Pascal Goffin, Jason Wiese, Miriah Meyer
Exploring the Personal Informatics Analysis Gap: 'There's a Lot of Bacon'
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS), 2021

Chartjunk screenshot

Derya Akbaba, Jack Wilburn, Main T. Nance, Miriah Meyer
Manifesto for Putting 'Chartjunk' in the Trash 2021!
alt.VIS, a workshop co-located with IEEE VIS, 2021

revisit screenshot

Carolina Nobre, Dylan Wootton, Zach Cutler, Lane Harrison, Hanspeter Pfister, Alexander Lex
reVISit: Looking Under the Hood of Interactive Visualization Studies
SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2021

porter screenshot

Rohan Patel, Jimmy Moore, Jeffery Stuart, Sonia Hernandez, Basak Alper Ramaswamy
I'll Have the Porter: Interactively Visualizaing the Results of Statistical Maneuver Analysis
The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences, 2021

Sanguine screenshot

Haihan Lin, Ryan A. Metcalf, Jack Wilburn, Alexander Lex
Sanguine: Visual Analysis for Patient Blood Management
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare at AMIA (VAHC), 2020

insights screenshot

Jen Rogers, Austin H Patton, Luke Harmon, Alexander Lex, Miriah Meyer
Insights From Experiments With Rigor in an EvoBio Design Study
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2021

Hyperlabels screenshot

David Kouřil, Tobias Isenberg, Barbora Kozlikova, Miriah Meyer, Eduard Gröller, Ivan Viola
HyperLabels: Browsing of Dense and Hierarchical Molecular 3D Models
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020

Extending screenshot

Christian Knoll, Asil Çetin, Torsten Möller, Miriah Meyer
Extending Recommendations for Creative Visualization-Opportunities Workshops
IEEE Evaluation and Beyond – Methodological Approaches for Visualization (BELIV), 2020

sensors screenshot

Shruti Hegde, Kyeong T. Min, Jimmy Moore, Philip Lundrigan, Neal Patwari, Scott Collingwood, Alfred Bach, Kerry E. Kelly
Indoor Household Particulate Matter Measurements Using a Network of Low-cost Sensors
Aerosol Air Quality Research, 2020

Taggle screenshot

Katarina Furmanova, Samuel Gratzl, Holger Stitz, Thomas Zichner, Miroslava Jaresova, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit
Taggle: Scalable Visualization of Tabular Data through Aggregation
Information Visualization, 2019

Criteria screenshot

Miriah Meyer, Jason Dykes
Criteria for Rigor in Visualization Design Study
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2019

AQ&U screenshot

Jimmy Moore, Matthew Dailey, Zachary Wilhelm, Kerry Kelly, Pascal Goffin, Anthony Butterfield, Jason Wiese, Wei Xing, Katrina Myquyen, Thomas Becnel, Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon
Engaging Middle and High School Students in Hypothesis Generation Using a Citizen-Scientist Network of Air Quality Sensors
American Insitute of Chemical Engineers, 2019

Origraph screenshot

Alex Bigelow, Carolina Nobre, Miriah Meyer, Alexander Lex
Origraph: Interactive Network Wrangling
IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2019

Ten Rules for Network Vis screenshot

G. Elisabeta Marai, Bruno Pinaud, Katja Bühler, Alexander Lex, John H. Morris
Ten Simple Rules to Create Biological Network Figures for Communication
PLOS Computational Biology, 2019

JacobsLadder screenshot

Alex Bigelow, Megan Monroe
Jacob's Ladder: The User Implications of Leveraging Graph Pivots
IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2019

Composer screenshot

Jen Rogers, Nicholas Spina, Ashley Neese, Rachel Hess, Darrel Brodke, Alexander Lex
Composer: Visual Cohort Analysis of Patient Outcomes
Applied Clinical Informatics, 2019

Juniper screenshot

Carolina Nobre, Marc Streit, Alexander Lex
Juniper: A Tree+Table Approach to Multivariate Graph Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2019

CVO Workshops screenshot

Ethan Kerzner, Sarah Goodwin, Jason Dykes, Sara Jones, Miriah Meyer
A Framework for Creative Visualization-Opportunities Workshops
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2019

IE Framework screenshot

Nina McCurdy, Julie Gerdes, Miriah Meyer
A Framework for Externalizing Implicit Error Using Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2019

Lineage screenshot

Carolina Nobre, Nils Gehlenborg, Hilary Coon, Alexander Lex
Lineage: Visualizing Multivariate Clinical Data in Genealogy Graphs
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2019

maav screenshot

Jimmy Moore, Pascal Goffin, Miriah Meyer, Philip Lundrigan, Neal Patwari, Katherine Sward, Jason Wiese
Managing In-home Environments through Sensing, Annotating, and Visualizing Air Quality Data
Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)(Ubicomp), 2018

2018_ieee_epifi screenshot

Philip Lundrigan, Kyeong T. Min, Neal Patwari, Sneha Kasera, Kerry Kelly, Jimmy Moore, Miriah Meyer, Scott C. Collingwood, Flory Nkoy, Bryan Stone, Katherine Sward
EpiFi: An In-Home Sensor Network Architecture for Epidemiological Studies
2018 IEEE 43rd Conference on Local Computer Networks Workshops (LCN Workshops), 2018

Coresets screenshot

Yan Zheng, Yi Ou, Alexander Lex, Jeff M. Phillips
Visualization of Big Spatial Data using Coresets for Kernel Density Estimates
IEEE Transactions on Big Data, early access, 2019

Composer screenshot

Jen Rogers, Nicholas Spina, Ashley Neese, Rachel Hess, Darrel Brodke, Alexander Lex
Composer: Visual Cohort Analysis of Patient Outcomes
Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare at AMIA (VAHC 2018), 2018

Reflection screenshot

Miriah Meyer, Jason Dykes
Reflection on Reflection in Applied Visualization Research
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2018

Coresets screenshot

Yan Zheng, Yi Ou, Alexander Lex, Jeff M. Phillips
Visualization of Big Spatial Data using Coresets for Kernel Density Estimates
IEEE Symposium on Visualization in Data Science (VDS), 2017

narrative-flow screenshot

Sean McKenna, Nathalie Henry Riche, Bongshin Lee, Jeremy Boy, Miriah Meyer
Visual Narrative Flow: Exploring Factors Shaping Data Visualization Story Reading Experiences
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2017

Graffinity screenshot

Ethan Kerzner, Alexander Lex, Crystal Lynn Sigulinsky, Timothy Urness, Bryan William Jones, Robert E. Marc, Miriah Meyer
Graffinity: Visualizing Connectivity In Large Graphs
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2017

Display-Space screenshot

Thomas Geymayer, Manuela Waldner, Alexander Lex, Dieter Schmalstieg
How Sensemaking Tools Influence Display Space Usage
EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA), 2017

Binning screenshot

Lace Padilla, P. Samuel Quinan, Miriah Meyer, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr
Evaluating the Impact of Binning 2D Scalar Fields
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2017

Hanpuku screenshot

Alex Bigelow, Steven Drucker, Danyel Fisher, Miriah Meyer
Iterating Between Tools to Create and Edit Visualizations
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2016

Pathfinder screenshot

Christian Partl, Samuel Gratzl, Marc Streit, Anne Mai Wassermann, Hanspeter Pfister, Dieter Schmalstieg, Alexander Lex
Pathfinder: Visual Analysis of Paths in Graphs
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2016
 EuroVis 2016 Honorable Mention Award

BubbleNet screenshot

Sean McKenna, Diane Staheli, Cody Fulcher, Miriah Meyer
BubbleNet: A Cyber Security Dashboard for Visualizing Patterns
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2016

adr4v screenshot

Nina McCurdy, Jason Dykes, Miriah Meyer
Action Design Research and Visualization Design
Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Beyond Time and Errors on Novel Evaluation Methods for Visualization, 2016

s-CorrPlot screenshot

Sean McKenna, Miriah Meyer, Christopher Gregg, Samuel Gerber
s-CorrPlot: An Interactive Scatterplot for Exploring Correlation
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2016

WeaVER screenshot

P. Samuel Quinan, Miriah Meyer
Visually Comparing Weather Features in Forecasts
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’15), 2016

Vials screenshot

Hendrik Strobelt, Bilal Alsallakh, Joseph Botors, Brant Peterson, Mark Borowsky, Hanspeter Pfister, Alexander Lex
Vials: Visualizing Alternative Splicing of Genes
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’15), 2016

Poemage screenshot

Nina McCurdy, Julie Lein, Katharine Coles, Miriah Meyer
Poemage: Visualizing the Sonic Topology of a Poem
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’15), 2016

Design Methods for Cyber Security screenshot

Sean McKenna, Diane Staheli, Miriah Meyer
Unlocking User-Centered Design Methods for Building Cyber Security Visualizations
Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VIS ’15), 2015


P. Samuel Quinan, Lace Padilla, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Miriah Meyer
Towards Ecological Validity in Evaluating Uncertainty
Proceedings of Workshop on Visualization for Decision Making Under Uncertainty (VIS), 2015

vulnerability-analysis screenshot

Ethan Kerzner, Lee A. Butler, Charles Hansen, Miriah Meyer
A Shot at Visual Vulnerability Analysis
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2015

oceanpaths screenshot

Carolina Nobre, Alexander Lex
OceanPaths: Visualizing Multivariate Oceanography Data
Proceedings of the Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis ’15) - Short Papers, 2015

RhymeDesign screenshot

Nina McCurdy, Vivek Srikumar, Miriah Meyer
RhymeDesign: A Tool for Analyzing Sonic Devices in Poetry
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature, NAACL HLT, 2015

NBGM screenshot

Miriah Meyer, Michael Sedlmair, P. Samuel Quinan, Tamara Munzner
The Nested Blocks and Guidelines Model
Information Visualization, 2015

Contour screenshot

Christian Partl, Alexander Lex, Hendrik Strobelt, Anne Mai Wassermann, Hanspeter Pfister, Dieter Schmalstieg
ConTour: Data-Driven Exploration of Multi-Relational Datasets for Drug Discovery
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VAST), 2014

Policy screenshot

Greg McInerny, Min Chen, Robin Freeman, David Gavaghan, Miriah Meyer, Francis Rowland, David Spiegelhalter, Moritz Stefaner, Geizi Tessarolo, Joaquin Hortal
Information visualisation for science and policy: engaging users and avoiding bias
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 2014

UpSet screenshot

Alexander Lex, Nils Gehlenborg, Hendrik Strobelt, Romain Vuillemot, Hanspeter Pfister
UpSet: Visualization of Intersecting Sets
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2014
 10 Year InfoVis Test of Time Award, 2024

Domino screenshot

Samuel Gratzl, Nils Gehlenborg, Alexander Lex, Hanspeter Pfister, Marc Streit
Domino: Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating Subsets across Multiple Tabular Datasets
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2014
 IEEE InfoVis 2014 Honorable Mention Award

Design Activity Framework screenshot

Sean McKenna, Dominika Mazur, James Agutter, Miriah Meyer
Design Activity Framework for Visualization Design
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’14), 2014

Hidden-Content screenshot

Thomas Geymayer, Markus Steinberger, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Dieter Schmalstieg
Show me the Invisible: Visualizing Hidden Content
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’14), 2014
 ACM CHI 2014 Honorable Mention Award

Mu-8 screenshot

Johnathan D Mercer, Balaji Pandian, Alexander Lex, Nicolas Bonnel, Hanspeter Pfister
Mu-8: Visualizing Differences between Proteins and their Families
BMC Proceedings, 2014

Reflections screenshot

Alex Bigelow, Steven Drucker, Danyel Fisher, Miriah Meyer
Reflections on How Designers Design With Data
AVI 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI ’14), 2014
 AVI 2014 Best Paper Award

LineUp screenshot

Samuel Gratzl, Alexander Lex, Nils Gehlenborg, Hanspeter Pfister, Marc Streit
LineUp: Visual Analysis of Multi-Attribute Rankings
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2013
 IEEE InfoVis 2013 Best Paper Award

Entourage screenshot

Alexander Lex, Christian Partl, Denis Kalkofen, Marc Streit, Anne Mai Wassermann, Samuel Gratzl, Dieter Schmalstieg, Hanspeter Pfister
Entourage: Visualizing Relationships between Biological Pathways using Contextual Subsets
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2013

PoemViewer screenshot

Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Julie Lein, Katharine Coles, Eamonn Maguire, Miriah Meyer, Martin Wynne, Chris Johnson, Anne Trefethen, Min Chen
Rule-based Visual Mappings with a Case Study on Poetry Visualization
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2013

collaboration screenshot

Robert M. Kirby, Miriah Meyer
Visualization Collaborations: Reflections on What Works and Why
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2013

enRoute screenshot

Clemens Holzhüter, Alexander Lex, Dieter Schmalstieg, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Heidrun Schumann, Marc Streit
Visualizing Uncertainty in Biological Expression Data
Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA), 2012

LineUp screenshot

Marc Streit, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Alexander Lex, Dieter Schmalstieg, Heidrun Schumann
Model-Driven Design for the Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2012

DSM screenshot

Michael Sedlmair, Miriah Meyer, Tamara Munzner
Design Study Methodology: Reflections from the Trenches and the Stacks
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2012
 IEEE InfoVis 2012 Honorable Mention Award

StratomeX screenshot

Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Christian Partl, Dieter Schmalstieg, Peter Park, Nils Gehlenborg
StratomeX: Visual Analysis of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Genomics Data for Cancer Subtype Characterization
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2012
 EuroVis 2012 3rd Best Paper Award

gaze screenshot

Andrew Duchowski, Margaux Price, Miriah Meyer, Pilar Orero
Aggregate Gaze Visualization with Real-time Heatmaps
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA), 2012

enRoute screenshot

Christian Partl, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, kalkofen, Karl Kashofer, Dieter Schmalstieg
enRoute: Dynamic Path Extraction from Biological Pathway Maps for In-Depth Experimental Data Analysis
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis ’12), 2012
 IEEE BioVis 2012 Best Paper Award

nbgm screenshot

Miriah Meyer, Michael Sedlmair, Tamara Munzner
The Four-Level Nested Model Revisited Blocks and Guidelines
Proceedings of the Workshop on BEyond time and errors: novel evaLuation methods for Information Visualization (BELIV), 2012

conserved screenshot

Charless Fowlkes, Kelly Eckenrode, Meghan Bragdon, Miriah Meyer, Zeba Wunderlich, Lisa Simirenko, Cris Hendricks, Soile Keranen, Clara Henriquez, David Knowles, Mark Biggin, Michael Eisen, Angela DePace
A Conserved Developmental Patterning Network Produces Quantitatively Different Output in Multiple Species of Drosophila
PLoS Genetics, 2011

VisBricks screenshot

Thomas Geymayer, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Dieter Schmalstieg
Visualizing the Effects of Logically Combined Filters
Proceedings of the Conference on Information Visualisation (IV ’2011), 2011

VisBricks screenshot

Alexander Lex, Hans-Jörg Schulz, Marc Streit, Christian Partl, Dieter Schmalstieg
VisBricks: Multiform Visualization of Large, Inhomogeneous Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2011

Linking screenshot

Markus Steinberger, Manuela Waldner, Marc Streit, Alexander Lex, Dieter Schmalstieg
Context-Preserving Visual Links
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis'11), 2011
 IEEE InfoVis 2011 Best Paper Award

MulteeSum screenshot

Miriah Meyer, Tamara Munzner, Angela DePace, Hanspeter Pfister
MulteeSum: A Tool for Comparative Spatial and Temporal Gene Expression Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2010

Matchmaker screenshot

Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Christian Partl, Karl Kashofer, Dieter Schmalstieg
Comparative Analysis of Multidimensional, Quantitative Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2010

Linking screenshot

Manuela Waldner, Werner Puff, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Dieter Schmalstieg
Visual Links across Applications
Proceedings of the Graphics Interface (GI), 2010
 GI 2010 Best Student Paper Award

Pathline screenshot

Miriah Meyer, Bang Wong, Tamara Munzner, Mark Styczynski, Hanspeter Pfister
Pathline: A Tool for Comparative Functional Genomics
Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis), 2010

Satsuma screenshot

Manfred Grabherr, Pamela Russell, Miriah Meyer, Evan Mauceli, Jessica Alfoldi, Federica Di Palma, Kerstin Lindblad-Toh
Genome-wide synteny through highly sensitive sequence alignment: Satsuma.
Bioinformatics, 2010


Heimo Müller, Robert Reihs, Stefan Sauer, Kurt Zatloukal, Marc Streit, Alexander Lex, Bernhard Schlegl, Dieter Schmalstieg
Connecting Genes with Diseases
Proceedings of the Conference on Information Visualisation (IV ’09), 2009

MizBee screenshot

Miriah Meyer, Tamara Munzner, Hanspeter Pfister
MizBee: A Multiscale Synteny Browser,
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis), 2009
 IEEE InfoVis 2009 Honorable Mention Award


Manuela Waldner, Alexander Lex, Marc Streit, Dieter Schmalstieg
Design Considerations for Collaborative Information Workspaces in Multi-Display Environments
Proceedings of Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces (CoVIS'09, VisWeek), 2009


Marc Streit, Alexander Lex, Heimo Müller, Dieter Schmalstieg
Gaze-Based Focus Adaption in an Information Visualization System
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization and Image Processing (CGVCVIP), 2009


Selected Posters

upset poster screenshot

Kiran Gadhave, Hendrik Strobelt, Nils Gehlenborg, Alexander Lex
UpSet 2: From Prototype to Tool
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference – Posters (InfoVis ’19), 2019

tamax poster screenshot

Ilkin Safarli, Alexander Lex
TaMax: Visualizing Dense Multivariate Networks with Adjacency Matrices
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference – Posters (InfoVis ’19), 2019

clipped graphs poster screenshot

Haihan Lin, Carolina Nobre, Amanda Bakian, Alexander Lex
Clipped Graphs: A Compact Time-Series Encoding
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference – Posters (InfoVis), 2019

Arctic Explorer screenshot

Dylan Wootton, Ethan Ransom, Alexander Lex
Arctic Explorer: Visualization of Sea-Ice Concentration along Arctic Shipping Routes
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference – Posters (InfoVis), 2019

origraph poster screenshot

Alex Bigelow, Carolina Nobre, Alexander Lex, Miriah Meyer
Mure.js: Toward Flexible Authoring and Reshaping of Networks
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference - Posters (InfoVis), 2018

Composer Poster screenshot

Jen Rogers, Nicholas Spina, Ashley Neese, Rachel Hess, Darrel Brodke, Alexander Lex
Composer: Visual Cohort Analysis of Patient Outcomes
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference - Posters, 2018

lineage poster screenshot

Carolina Nobre, Nils Gehlenborg, Hilary Coon, Alexander Lex
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference - Posters (InfoVis), 2017

RCM Poster screenshot

P. Samuel Quinan, Lace Padilla, Sarah H. Creem-Regehr, Miriah Meyer
Hue Bands and Human Perception: Revisiting the Rainbow
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference - Posters (InfoVis), 2017

fellow tool builders poster screenshot

Alex Bigelow
Reflections on Working With Fellow Tool Builders
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference - Posters (InfoVis), 2017


Alex Bigelow, Roni Choudhury, Jeffrey Baumes
Resonant Laboratory and Candela: Spreading Your Visualization Ideas to the Masses
Proceedings of Workshop on Visualization in Practice (VIP), 2016
 VIP 2016 Best Paper Award

Cyber Dashboard poster screenshot

Sean McKenna
Designing STAR: A Cyber Dashboard Prototype
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security - Posters (VIS ’14), 2014

s-CorrPlot poster screenshot

Sean McKenna, Miriah Meyer, Christopher Gregg, Samuel Gerber
s-CorrPlot: Encoding and Exploring Correlation
Proceedings of the IEEE Information Visualization Conference - Posters (InfoVis ’14), 2014

compariseq screenshot

Sean McKenna, P. Samuel Quinan, Alex Bigelow
compariSeq: Rethinking Sequence Logos
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization - Redesign Contest Poster (BioVis ’13), 2013

comprehengsive screenshot

Alex Bigelow, Miriah Meyer, Nicola J Camp
compreheNGSive: A Tool for Exploring Next-Gen Sequencing Variants
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization - Posters (BioVis ’12), 2012

Dissertations and Theses

Thesis-gadhave screenshot

Kiran Gadhave
Toward Reproducible and Reusable Visual Analysis
University of Utah, PhD Thesis, March 2024

Thesis-rogers screenshot

Jen Rogers
Traceability in Design-Oriented Visualization Research
University of Utah, PhD Thesis, May 2023

Thesis-moore screenshot

Jimmy Moore
The Personal Informatics Analysis Gap
University of Utah, PhD Thesis, May 2022

Thesis-nobre screenshot

Carolina Nobre
Visualizing Multivariate Networks
University of Utah, PhD Thesis, May 2020

Thesis-kerzner screenshot

Ethan Kerzner
A Framework for Creative Visualization-Opportunities Workshops
University of Utah, PhD Thesis, May 2019
 Best Dissertation Award by the School of Computing, University of Utah

Thesis-Lex screenshot

Alexander Lex
Visualization of Multidimensional Data with Applications in Molecular Biology
Graz University of Technology, PhD Thesis, March 2012
 Best Dissertation Award, awarded by "Forum Technology and Society", Graz University of Technology

BS-Thesis-Bigelow screenshot

Alex Bigelow
Driving Genetics With Experimental Visualization
University of Utah, Bachelor Thesis, May 2012